Thursday, June 9, 2022

Movie Snobs and Empty Coffee Cups

 Movie Snobs and Empty Coffee Cups

     You know how I feel about movies. I just love movies. All kinds of movies. Good ones, bad ones, awful ones, funny ones, scary ones, action movies, dramas, sci-fi, you name it, I love 'em. As of right now, I have seen over 3,000 movies in my life. I actually have a list. It's not with me right now, or I could tell you the exact number.I may add to this later to lay some stats on you. But that's not what this blog is about.

     Some people, including Mr. Kondas, say I'm a "movie snob". Mainly because I like movies they've never heard of or I like movies with subtitles. Some label me as a movie snob because I don't like movies that everyone else seems to like. I hated Forrest Gump, I hated Titanic, I will never see Avatar.  I despise quite a few of the highest grossing films in movie history. That's just me, I guess.

     Whether I'm a movie snob or not, I must admit that I watch films differently than other people do. Most likely it's because I was a film major in college. Sometimes I notice things that other people don't. I sometimes see things differently. 

     A lot of things in movies and TV shows bother me. I don't like bad acting or bad writing. I don't like it when the director treats their audience like idiots. But what is really annoying me lately is empty coffee cups. Empty luggage too, but empty coffee cups infuriates me.  I understand that coffee cups are props, but if you are going to have your actors possess coffee cups....PUT SOMETHING IN THEM!!!! It doesn't have to be coffee, it can be water.  People hold an empty cup in a different way. Empty cups make a different noise when they are set down on a table or counter. Even a good actor can't fake drink and swallow from an empty cup. There are dozens of interns on a movie set. One of them should be in charge of making sure all coffee cups have some kind of liquid in them. Is that too much to ask?

     Next time you're watching a movie or TV show, pay close attention to those cups. You'll see what I mean.

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